Monday 16th May |
Tuesday 17th May |
Wednesday 18th May |
Thursday 19th May |
Friday 20th May |
08.00-09.00 |
Registration |
Registration |
Registration |
Registration |
09.00-10.00 |
09:00 -13:00 TGICA/IPCC/DDC meeting
12:00-18:30 ECRA workshop Contact: tina.swierczynski@ecra-climate.eu
13.00 - 17:00 CORDEX-SAT pre conference meeting
09:00-10:30 Opening Session
- Director General SMHI - Rolf Brennerfelt
- Environment Ambassador, Ministry of the Environment and Energy, Sweden - Jan Olsson
- Head of Global Framework for Climate Services, WMO (remote) - Filipe Lucio
- Director World Climate Research Programme - David Carlson
- Co-chairs WCRP CORDEX - Filippo Giorgi and William Gutowski
- Director for Research at Bolin Centre, Stockholm University - Nina Kirchner
09:00-12:00 Parallel Sessions A : Benefits of Downscaling
- A1: Added value of downscaling
- A2: Models of the coupled regional climate system
- A3: From data to information - a distillation dilemma
09:00-12:00 Parallel Sessions C : Impacts & Applications
- C1: Representing & projecting extremes
- C2: Regional atmospheric and ocean circulation systems
- C3: Regional scale hydroclimate: from observations to modelling to applications
09:00-13:15 Plenary Session 2:
- Introduction - F. Giorgi
- CORDEX Research Challenges - W Gutowski
- Flagship Pilot Studies - Erik Kjellström
CORE Framework F. Giorgi
Looking to the Future
- Next Steps/Interactions with other regional WCRP acitvities - W. Gutowski, B. Lee
Plenary Session 1 'CORDEX in Action: Achievements & lessons learned'
- CORDEX overall status - W. Gutowski
- IPCC WGI- V. Masson Delmotte
IPCC WGII - H. Pörtner (remote)
- Distillation - B. Hewitson -
- CORDEX as a foundation for Climate Services - D. Jacobs
- Operationalizing the science-policy interface through RICCAR and the Arab region - C. Chouchani Cherfane
11.00-12.00 |
12.00-13.00 |
12:00-14:00 Poster Session A: Benefits of Downscaling
(including lunch)
12:00-14:00 Poster Session C: Impacts & Applications
(including lunch)
13.00-14.00 |
Lunch |
13:15 Closing Session & Award - ECS Best Poster Competition
Erik Kjellström
14.00-15.00 |
14:00-17:00 Plenary Session 1
- CORDEX archiving: achievements, status and perspectives. - G. Nikulin
- An overview of climate projections performed for North America CORDEX - L. Mearns
- Piet Termonia
- Juan Pedro Montavez
- Erika Coppola
- Christopher Lennard
- Erik Kjellström
- Shreta Ghimire
Parallel Session B :
Frontier downscaling tools
- B1: Very high resolution modelling
- B2: Human-climate regional interactions, towards RESMs
- B3: A focus on ESD specific opportunitie
Parallel Sessions D :
Domain and cross domain sessions
- D1: Climate Services in the frame of CORDEX
(The Auditorium, Aula Magna)
- D2: Training Session on Regional Climate Model Evaluation System
(Nordenskiöld, Geo-Science Building)
- D3: How can statistics help making sense of data from multiple sources?;
- D4: Polar CORDEX investigations
(De Geer, Geo-Science Building)
- D6: Process Based Evaluation of the West African Monsoon in CORDEX Projection
(U36, Geo-Science Building)
- D7: Regional monsoon hydrological cycle over Asia and Australasia
(Tarfala 1433, Geo-Science Building)
Post- conference CORDEX-SAT meeting
15.00-16.00 |
16.00-17.00 |
17.00-18.00 |
17:00 Ice breaker
17:00-19:00 Poster Session B: Frontiers downscaling tools (The Foyer, Aula Magna)
17:00-18:30 ECRA side event & drinks reception (The Auditorium/Gallery, Aula Magna)
18:00-19:00 Convection Permitting Modelling Side Event (Tarfala T433, Geo-Science Building)
17:00-19:00 Early career scientist event
including reception (The Auditorium/ Gallery/ Foyer, Aula Magna)
17:00-19:00 Coupled RCMs (U36, Geo-Science)
17:00-19:00 Euro-CORDEX LUC workshop (U28, Geo-Science)
17:00-19:00 Disitllation COST Action (U37, Geo-Science)
Evening |